// Filmmaker

Preparing for the Slow Months


Preparing for the Slow Months

A few days ago you caught a spider bite

Behind your ear

Two indents


Two possible days they could’ve happened

When you refused to put ointment on them

I stopped caring so much

The actor I am

Erasing tension like a shotgun blast

Doesn’t work for you

You flip the lobe

Twist your head

Hand me a small dot of light from your phone

For me to confirm the thing

You can only bother

The fresh rhubarb you got from the farm

Stiff in the fridge

Mustard greens watery in a plastic green bag

Suffocated from the sun

For what?

I have no ideas for you

Under your skin 

So far 

The world is attacking us

We fight different

Pink and red circles

We talk too much - and still can’t find the culprit

Or locate those future recipes we can doctor

We will not be homeless

Or die from lyme disease

But we must stock our freezer before Gus comes

To take bites from your body.                                  

(May 15th, 2024)